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KAI seeks funding for Korean airliner

2007. 4. 3. 05:53 | Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
KAI seeks funding for Korean airliner

Home-grown design to serve business or regional market

Korea Aerospace Industries is planning to design and manufacture an indigenous business jet or regional aircraft, with funds that the South Korean company plans to raise in an initial public offering in 2010 likely to be geared towards the research and development efforts.

"We started the feasibility study this year looking at either a light aircraft that can carry up to 10 passengers, or a 50- to 80-seat turboprop," says Chung Hae Joo, KAI's president and chief executive. "Once the study has been completed, we will know which aircraft has better market potential and move on to the development stage."

The study is being jointly conducted with the South Korean government, which is keen for the domestic aerospace industry to grow and match that of neighbouring Japan, and various private sector companies.

The government is likely to be a major financial contributor to the project, and the detailed study could continue into the next decade, say company officials. Further information could be revealed at the Paris air show in June, when the company could also begin initial talks with potential foreign partners, they add.

"Many companies are contemplating building aircraft and we have to do that as well," says Lee Seong Jong, vice-president and head of KAI's commercial business department. "We may need to find some risk-sharing partners to work with us as well, given that they will have some market knowledge that we can use."

KAI was created in 1999, when the government consolidated competing aerospace manufacturers into a single entity. It has been restructured over the last few years to reduce debt and cut costs. The government gave the company exclusive rights to all defence-related aerospace projects as part of the consolidation, although KAI has also been involved in the Boeing 787 and is planning to work with Airbus on the A350.

Chung points out that R&D spending must increase if the company is to be successful in weaning itself off a dependence on domestic military contracts. An IPO, he says, will enable the company to get the resources needed to conduct R&D on growth areas such as the commercial aviation sector. The final decision on a public listing is likely to be made around the end of 2008 or early 2009.

"The financial consultants we have been working with have recommended we should be ready for an IPO in 2010, and we plan to keep to that target," he says.

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단순함의 법칙

2007. 3. 25. 08:07 | Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

사용자 삽입 이미지

저자 : 존 마에다
세계적인 그래픽 디자이너, 비주얼 아티스트이며, 컴퓨터 과학자인 MIT 미디어랩 교수(E. Rudge and Nancy Allen Professor) 존 마에다는 ‘단순함 컨소시엄(SIMPLICITY Consortium)’을 창립했다. 그는 도쿄, 뉴욕, 런던, 그리고 파리에서 전시회를 가진 바 있고, 스미스소니언 쿠퍼 휴잇 국립 디자인 박물관과 뉴욕 현대 박물관(Museum of Modern Art)에 작품들이 영구 소장되어 있다. 미국 스미스소니언 국립 디자인상, 독일 레이몬드 로위 재단상, 그리고 일본 마이니치 디자인상을 수상하기도 했다. 지은 책으로 『숫자로 하는 디자인(Design by Numbers)』이 있다.

역자 : 윤송이
서울과학고등학교와 KAIST를 졸업하고 MIT 미디어랩에서 박사 학위를 받았다. 맥킨지앤컴퍼니 매니저, 연세대학교대학원 신문방송학과 겸임 교수, 국가과학기술자문회의 자문위원, 와이더덴닷컴 이사를 역임했으며, 2004년부터 SK텔레콤에서 상무(CI본부장)로 일하고 있다. 2004년에는 《월스트리트저널》이 선정한 ‘주목할 만한 세계여성기업인 50명’에 뽑히기도 했다

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2007. 3. 25. 07:29 | Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

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기종 순번




















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2007. 3. 20. 23:15 | Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
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