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Indonesia to Produce Korean Turboprop Trainer

2006. 11. 24. 08:13 | Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesian Aerospace) and Korean Aerospace Industry/Daewoo International signed a cooperation agreement, respectively represented by M. Mochajan as Ctr. President Director of PTDI and Mr. Hae Joo Chung, President and CEO Korean Aircraft Industries LTD and Mr. Tae Yong Lee President & CEO Dewoo International Corporation.

This is a breakthrough for both companies to produce KO1 trainer aircraft, since the former cooperation was limited to manufacturing aircraft components by PTDI for KAI.

The trainer is really needed by many countries to train their pilots, mostly air forces, for their successful missions.

The agreement is expected to boost mutual benefit for both companies like the development of technology as well as financially. Furthermore, the cooperation would enhance the relations between the two countries and opening new opportunities.

The KO-1(Forward Airborne Controller) is an enhanced avionics and armed version of the KT-1 basic trainer, developed in cooperation by KAI and the Korean Agency for Defense Development, ADD. This armed version can carry external fuel tanks, conventional weapons and is equipped with avionic systems including mission computer, INS/GPS, Head-Up Display (HUD) and Multi-Function Display (MFD).

Seven KT-1 aircraft were delivered to Indonesian Air Force until 2003. KAI signed the contract to sell additional five KT-1 basic trainers to the Indonesian Air Force in May 2005.

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